
Born in 1985 in Douala in Cameroon, after a scientific training in the Catholic College St Jean Baptiste de Bagangté - Cameroon, he decides to devote himself entirely to Art. Thanks to a scholarship, Patrick leaves for Italy where he will study painting during four years in the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna. His path will be rewarded by the getting of his degree in painting.

Still in Bologna, he deepens his research through many collaborations in Africa and in Italy, and by the creation of intercultural workshops of painting with schools and the region of Emilia-Romagna Association. He exhibits in the Gallery Atiss Dakar, Codice Italia, Palazzo Grimani, the Studio 54 Bologna and in Museo Orfeo “No fiera, ma arte “ (Bologne2015). He exhibits in the AKAA Fair – Paris and d’APAF (Art Paris Art Fair) at the Grand Palais – Paris.

Selected Works